Jamunapari (Jamnapari) goat is an Indian Breed of goats, which is a native of District called Etawah, Uttarpradesh. It is also known as Etawah Goat. In 1953 this goat has been exported to Indonesia. This goat is useful in both milk and meat production. The Jamuna name is derived from an Indian river named Yamuna (Jamuna old name). In India, this goat breed is known as the best goat for Dairy.
Characteristics of Jamunapari Goat
There is a colour variation of this goat breed, they can be white, black, yellow, brown and can be of mixed coloured. Almost all goats have brown patches in their neck and mouth. Body size of this goat is comparatively longer than other breeds of goats, long hair and long sized legs. The tail is always curved and upwards. The Jamunapari male can weigh up to 120 kg, while females can reach around 90 kg.
Size | Adult male | Adult female |
Bodyweight (kg) | 44.66 ± 1.89 (49) | 38.03 ± 0.63 (168) |
Body length (cm) | 77.37 ± 1.23 (49) | 75.15 ± 0.46 (168) |
Height at withers (cm) | 78.17 ± 1.25 (49) | 75.20 ± 0.38 (168) |
Chest girth (cm) | 79.52 ± 1.2 (49) | 76.11 ± 0.38 (168) |

Specialities of Jamunapari
This goat loves to browse in open fields. They generally browse about 7-12 hours a day and stay in the house only at night. The milk of Jamunapari goat is tasty and healthy it contains about 5% fat. It produces one kid in a year. First kidding age of this breed is 16-18 months. This breed also needs extra nutrition.

Uses of Jamunapari
This goat is very suitable for commercial dairy production, and can also be used for meat production.
Vaccination is the same as the Barbari goat click on the link below for more details.
For commercial production of Jamunapari goat, they need good housing. A room of 12×8 square feet is suitable for keeping 16 Jamunapari goats together. Make the house high from the ground. The floor should be dry, and housing should be ventilated.
Source: https://www.roysfarm.com/jamunapari-goat/
What about there food what we should give them to eat and keep them healthy for taking milk